Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Jan. 5th

Started my day with a trip to the hair stylist and decide a new year, have new things going on in my life so a new hair style. It is a little shorter and different angels in it. So far I like the way it looks, of course it will never look the same after today. Will take some time to get use to how it feels and what to do with it, but all good. Had my first soil science class today and I really think I am going to like it. When I got there I thought the teach looked formiliar, as soon as he said his name and where he works I knew he is some friends of mine dad. So far what we went over for Chapter 1 is mostly stuff I already knew from life on the farm. Now just to see how I do when we get into more of the science part of it. May be hard but I think it will be fun. Much better but not great drive on the way home today. I finely got the wait in the back of my truck and that defiantly helped.

Today's Pic - my new hair cut