Saturday, January 30, 2010

Jan. 28th

I spent my morning working on home work, watching tv and waiting for the UPS man. He finally came around noon and I got my new phone. I am very happy, it is pink, a full, keyboard and it was free nothen better then that. Before heading to school I stopped at the Sprint store to get my phone book transferred over. Not use to the keyboard yet, back to slow texting, but I will get it soon. Had a short soils class witch was a good thing because we had a farm bureau cabinet meeting tonight. After class I drove to Xenia, went past camp Clifton, I miss that place. Helped at the meeting with talking about social media, then had a good dinner with my favorite goat farmer. The meeting part was good to, Darrell's workshops are always entertaining.

Sporting my fav pink boots at the cabinet meeting.


  1. I read your post and thought, "Wait a minute! Who was Cindy having dinner with? Why am I not her favorite goat farmer?!! Oh, wait . . . January 28th . . . yeah, I DID have dinner with Cindy on the 28th! Woo hoo! I AM her favorite goat farmer! I WIN!"

  2. Of Course you are my favorite goat farmer!
