Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Living with Mono... Somedays easy, somedays not

It's been a while since I have wrote and there is a few reasons for that... one been busy with lots going on in this busy time of year and then the fact that when I have free time all I want to do is sleep and I get to say thanks to Mono for that.

For a long time I have struggled with being tired, but this winter it got to the point I struggled all day to stay awake and all I wanted to do was sleep. When it got that bad I decided it was time to go to the Dr. and find out why. Well the good news was all the things I thought could be causing it, was good and then he told me I have Mono. I thought wow, ok so what do I take and then the Dr. informed me there is nothing to take just need sleep and he gave me suggested vitamins to take. I have heard of Mono, but didn't know anything about it. The Dr. told me a little and then suggested looking it up online and read about, so I did and continue too.

The week he told me I took off work early and went home to sleep getting about 12 hours or more a day and was feeling better, but not ok. After that first week life had to go on, since then I try to go to bed early and it keeps getting earlier and earlier (between 8pm and 9pm is normal these days and anything after 9:30 is late and I pay for it the next day). I have upped my vitamin intake based on things I have read and take a nap when ever I can, not much else I can do, problem is not much time in my life naps. I found out around the end of Feb. and March is a busy month for Farm Bureau stuff, conferences, meetings, dinners, trip to DC, etc. Then next is spring planting time and working in a seed warehouse you don't get time off in Spring and now we are going into summer, witch means, 4-H Camp, Steam Show and fairs coming up.

In the last few months I have experienced many different things and the more I read and research Mono, they are all because of it. I will be thinking I am doing better and then one day it just knocks me down again... Easter weekend I had two shoots and a wedding on Saturday, felt fine then. Sunday at church and Easter dinner it was all I could do to stay awake. But it's not just the being tired, a few weeks ago I woke up on a Thursday and my glands where swollen and then the next day, Friday, my spleen was hurting to the point I couldn't sit comfortably. The Dr. explained to me about the spleen being enlarged and need to be careful around it, but that day it must have been trying really hard to fight the infection. From day to day I don't know how I am going to feel or what to expect. The things that I have to deal with almost every day is tried, sore throats and stomach discomforts... yep I have had bowel movement problems, bloating and stomach upset from it too. Not that I want to talk on all that but I thought can all this be from Mono and the more I read, yes. I also thought is it normally to take this long to get over and  once again from what I read yes. I am thankful for the Internet and medical website, but also for blogs and discussion boards where I have been able to read about what other have gone through and know I am not the only one.

For now I am about to fall asleep, I look forward to the day I am over this and back to normal... till then if you wander why I don't go out or go to bed early, this is why.

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