Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Welcome 2012

It is Jan. 24th and I am asking myself where did this month go? We are almost through the first month of a new year... a new year, what does that mean? To me I hope it means a year of new beginnings and things in my life. I am not really one to make New Years Resolutions, but I did give myself some goals I would like to complete this year. How is that going so far I ask myself, not to bad... for only 24 days into the year and 342 more to complete my goals.

I am happy that I have already completed one step in one of my goals and it was a very special one to me. I have a goal to get caught up one my scrapbooking, digital scrapbooking that is, I kinda just stopped in 2009 and haven't done any since. Witch it didn't help last year, towards the beginning of the year, my computer dead and I didn't have everything from 2010 backed up. I know, I preach about how you should back up your files and then I got behind and didn't and I paid the price, also learned from it. I knew some of the images I could track down from friends I had given copies too, but not taken the time to do that. I am very happy to say I know have a completed 2010 scrapbook! I got an email at the first of the year from Mixbook (a digital scrapbook printer I have used a few times before), the email said I could make a book from pictures on my Facebook page. Well I had most everything I had lost on my facebook, so to work I went and I am so happy to have those memories in print to now show and have. Now to finish that goal I need to do 2011 and finish 2009... Not a problem I am motivated now!

Another goal I set is plans to do some fix ups and little up dates around my house. I have plans and been getting ideas off of Penterest.com for things I think shouldn't be to hard or costly, but give it that face lift it needs to try again to sale it and maybe this time it will sale.

Why do I want to sale... I love my little craftsman home, but I don't love where it is. This girl was made for the country and can't wait to get out of town. Also would like to be closer to my work and studio, that are both an hour away from me. Last year I thought I might stay where I am and that it could be good for me, but as I look back on the past year I have decided other wise. I think it is best for me to move on when the time is right... time will tell I guess and all I can do is pray for the guidance of when and where to go.

I have already in this short 24 days into the new year had some changes come and new but old things come into my life that I am looking forward to seeing what may come of them... in the mean time as I start my projects on my house I will post them and how they go.

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