Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Another Year

Well over the weekend I had another birthday, but it didn't feel like it. I didn't really do anything for it, but that is ok. I have come to the understanding that I have a birthday at a bad time, I love Oct. and fall, but when your friends are farmers and harvesting it is hard to make plans to do something. I spent the day taking some pictures and then went to my parents house for a bonfire with their church, witch was much better then setting at home alone not doing anything.

As I reflect back on this past year, it was a pretty good year. I got full time work, got a bug to drive, rebuilding a friendship, and A BIG one is I got my studio for my photography!! I am very Thankful for all the things and people God has blessed me with. I am looking forward to the year ahead and what it holds, hoping for more great things... like growth of my studio business, more friendships and who knows :)

I am looking forward to getting my Birthday gift thou, a new (used) washer... never thought that would be something I would get excited about, but I guess that is part of being an adult and owning a home. Mine broke a little over a week ago and really don't like being without one.

Here's to another year!

Friday, October 14, 2011

The Adventures of a Farm Girl with a Bug

Let me go back a little bit before I start... at the beginning of 2011 I started a new full time job with Heritage Cooperative in their new Seed Warehouse in Mechanicsburg. This put me driving an hour to and from work each day and an hour drive is a lot better then unemployment. Well soon after I started this drive each day gas prices was going up to $3.50 and $4.00+ and it was costing me more to drive my truck then I had coming in. So the decision was made to sale me truck I had for eight years and get something better on gas mileage. This lead to me getting a VW Bug, because if I have to drive a car it better be a cute one, lol. As you can image that has been a big change and adjustment in my life... but I am making do. It shocks me sometime the things I can get in there, bags of seed, a lawn mower, straw. Yep this weekend I moved bails of straw with my little bug, just two. I needed them to take to my studio and I thought, O two bails isn't that much I can get it, well with some pushing and shoving I got it.

Well that was the start to my fun weekend ahead, I could only take one bail to the studio last weekend because I also had in the car; two tables, two pots of mums, two totes of stuff, a small water heater, a duffel bag, a cooler and a few other things... you should have seen it, it was great. But I got what I need to studio for the open house.

Speaking of the open house at the studio, it was beautiful day and that was a good bad thing. I enjoyed the day and it was good, but didn't have as many visitors as I would have liked. They was probable out and about enjoying the Indian summer. The day ended better then it started mom and dad took me to dinner for an early birthday, it was yummy.

Sunday I very much enjoyed the music at church, as always, but this time more so. A young lady in the church sang one of my favorite new songs "Blessings". It always touches me so and many times makes me cry and miss the ones I have lost, but thankful they are in Heaven rejoicing and watching over us. After church I enjoyed an afternoon of fall outdoor portraits with some of my favorite girls. My cousin Ian's girls and their mom, it was a happy/sad time, it made me miss Ian but I enjoyed the time and they are precious reminders of him.

After a good weekend of course I couldn't get a good Monday... I left work with a bad headache, so went home and laid down only to be woke up by a salesman at my door, rrrr. I was up so decided I should make some dinner and do some laundry. After eating went to go take the laundry out of the washer and put it in the dry. Only to walk in the back room and find the floor covered in water. Yep something broke on my washer and the water was running none stop. Got the main water turned off and fished out my clothes then walked away and went to bed in hopes for a better day the next day.

The next day and rest to follow was better and not bad... except I did learn there is a lime and a key lime, haha. I just thought Key Lime was a name for a dessert, no it is a kind of lime. I was asked to make sugar cookies with Key Lime icing. So I found a recipe, went to the store and bought limes and lime juice for the first time and went home to make them. I brought one to the person wanting them to try and she asked "did you use lime or key lime?". Well I didn't know there was a difference and didn't see an option to buy anything else. After some Google searching I learned the difference... O well, I now have some lime cookies if you would like them. Also did some WV football cookies and they came out really cute!

At this time I am looking forward to another weekend of fall actives, fun and picture taking... O and my Birthday, that I am getting a new (used) washer for, yay!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Busy Busy Week But Good

This week is so busy I keep losing track of what day of the week it is... I have a cookie order due tonight that I have been working on, iced and decorated 60 wedding cake shaped cookies last night. But I am also getting ready for an Open House at my studio this week and with me having three businesses per say that I want to feature at it I have been going and going trying to get it all done and just hoping I do. I want to put up a display for my studio work and that is easy. Also baking goodies for the guest and wanted to have stuff to sale, well right now I have just buckeyes to sale and some sugar cookies for the guest (hope to get more made tonight). Then there is the Mary Kay stuff (yes I said Mary Kay, that is a new on taking this year, like it as a part time fun thing), got in some MK holiday stuff this week for the Open House and putting together info to hand out. All and all I am hoping to get this all done and ready for Sat... speaking of Saturday, I am looking forward to this, I have ten total direct sales vendors coming to my studio for an Open House. I have never done anything like this before, but am very excited about it and think it will be a good thing!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Try Again

Ok, tried doing this blog thing once before and then when I got a new job I got busy and quit doing it... also wasn't sure anyone was really following me, lol. Well it has now been over a year and I am thinking about giving it a try again... not sure I have much to say but we will see.